Internet Available Near Me

Please click on your Province or Territory below for more information:

| Alberta | BC | Manitoba | New Brunswick | Newfoundland & Labrador | Nova Scotia | Nunavut | NWT | Ontario | PEI | Quebec | Saskatchewan | Yukon |

If you already have cable internet or DSL internet, or you know for certain that the home is currently wired for cable internet, or is for sure able to have DSL internet (and in the case of DSL internet you know what speeds it is able to get), then click: See Plans & Prices

Or else please enter the Postal Code in the text box below, ensuring a blank space between the first 3 characters and the remaining 3 characters, for instance T2J 1G8.

Please understand that for Postal Codes the second character has to be a 'number' not a 'letter', and in the 2nd set of three characters, the 1st character is a 'number'. For example A3A 4G8, and the last character needs to be a number. (Lower case characters will be converted into upper case characters for you.) If you type the characters wrong you will be shown an error message, which means the Postal Code was either missing a space after the third character, or you have entered a letter where a number needs to be, or a number where a letter should be. Just fix it and then click on 'search'.
