For your convenience, we have enabled the ‘Monthly PayPal Subscription’ feature on this website, and we would strongly encourage all customers to make use of it. Please note that to use this feature you must either have an existing PayPal Account (though you can still pay with a credit card), or you must setup a PayPal Account as part of setting up this subscription, though you can still make the actual payment with a credit card. In the e-mails from PayPal they also use the term "automatic payment profile" to describe a 'PayPal Subscription'.
This means that you will then be agreeing to having PayPal automatically charging your credit card (or a PayPal Account) each month for the regular monthly cost of your high speed internet service.
Please note that if you have bandwidth overages charges added to your account you may still have to log into your account to pay those Invoices/amounts, as the subscription is normally for a set monthly amount. Similarly credits to your account may not be seen by the PayPal Subscription service, and to consume those credits you may have to cancel the PayPal subscription and then pay the account balance "one time with PayPal" then start a new PayPal subscription. The PayPal subscription service is ideal when your monthly Invoice amount is always constant.
If you have any questions please use the Contact menu item to open a Help Desk ticket, and we will normally reply within 24 hours.