Hi customers, please note that we have three payment methods, they are:
The current default payment in our billing system is the PayPal gateway, where you are given a choice of paying one time, or setting up an automatic payment subscription. If you do not decide within X number of seconds by click one of the two buttons provided, it decides for you, and streams you to the subscription option.
In the coming days we will be changing the default payment method to the Stripe payment gateway. This will also mean that for anyone who uses that gateway, that their credit card number will be retained on file with us and Stripe, then automatically be charged each time a new invoice is generated. So this will become an automatic payment method, on the date each future invoice is created.
Before we do that, we plan to review each customer account, and if they have a PayPal subscription we will manually set their payment method to the 'PayPal' gateway option, so things will continue as before for them, (no change).
For customers that have tended to pay only by Interac e-transfer, we will set your payment method to that, so no change.
Some customers we may have to email and ask their preference.
Future new customers will be defaulted to the Stripe payment gateway to start with, (but will be able to change to either of the other two if they wish).
All customers will continue to have the ability to change their payment method by logging into our website and making the change in their Client account, (or you can email us and ask us to change it for you).
There is no intent to surprise anyone.
Questions welcome, by email. :)