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Affiliate Referral Program

WRS Web Solutions Inc. affiliate program for home internet plans offered on the www wrswebsolutions ca website in English, (and in the Province of Quebec in French and in English). (The program also covers the WRS Home Phone and WRS Business Phone — should you have any interest in promoting either.) Please read all of this page (all the way to the bottom of the page), before using any affiliate referral link. Our affiliate program is free to join (and to continue to belong to), you do not have to be a customer of ours. It is ideal for website owners, and can be used by people who have friends that they think can save money by switching to our services. Internet plans offered by the website are intended for Canadian residents only (and as much possible we try to offer small business the same plans at the same prices, except in some cases where were we are restricted from doing so by the cable companies).

How To Join

If you are a customer, login to the Client Area of the website, click on 'Affiliate' and then click on the green button which says 'Activate Affiliate Account', otherwise you need to register, and then do those steps.

If registering, please note that the address field on the Registration form is marked as "Service Address Internet To Be Installed At (If Being Ordered) or Address To Be Checked", but in this situation it only means your 'address' for your affiliate referral account, nothing more than that, so don't get concerned about the address title! (We won't sell you address or send you junk mail.) You are welcome to click here to register with us. As a note, the Client Area of the website is multilingual, usually defaulted to English, unless you reached the link from a French language page on our site in which case it will default to French, but you can change the language from within the Client Area.

Generally speaking, affiliate referral commissions are earned when a person you refer using your your unique referral link number (to a qualifying page of our website - not every page is a 'qualifying page'!!!) orders (and pays for) a home internet plan, (and the order is not cancelled within the next 30 days, and the address can be serviced by us). The amount of the commission is a one time earning of $10 (ten dollars Canadian) per order (sale) of home internet plan, so this is a click per sale (CPS) affiliate program. (There is no re-occuring commisison on a customer, just a one time payment on each customer.) All of our current internet plans are unlimited data usage. If the person cancels the order within 30 days, then no affiliate referral commission is paid. The same applies if the person places the order, but we are not able to service the address.

The Affiliate area within the Client Area, should answer most of your questions as to how many referrals you have had, etc, and you can request a withdraw anytime after your balance reaches $25 by clicking on the 'Request Withdraw' button on that page. At the present time, we do not advise CRA of affiliate income, rather we assume that you will report any such income to CRA on your tax return. If CRA asks, we will answer their questions.

Very Important - Finding Your Affiliate Number

As a customer (or after having registered as an affiliate), login in to the Client Area of our website, and look for the 'Affiliate Program' box on that page, and click on 'More Details' box within it, and you will see 'Your Unique Referral Link' for example:

Look at the end of that link and you see a number. Our example shows the number 7. (Your number will not be the number 7.) Write down that number. Then use that number is any of the links in the table below, in place of the number 7.

Qualifying Pages (For Affiliate Linking To)

As an affiliate, (correctly using your 'Your Unique Referral Link' affiliate ID number in the link in place of the number 7), you may link to any of the below pages (and you may also make your own image ads to use these links with if you want to). Example of a simple hyperlink would be <a href="url copied from the right column below & pasted here, then change number 7 to your number">anchor link text of your choice goes here.</a> These URLs are case sensitive.

Page URLs that you may use in your links. (Please replace the affiliate number 7 in the URL, with your unqiue affiliate number!)
PEI https://www.wrswebsolutions.cabilling/aff.php?aff=7&page=PEI

If there are one or more pages of our website that you would like an affiliate link for, and they are not listed above, then please use the Contact form to ask us to add those pages to the table above. Thanks!

The referral link must contain your 'Your Unique Referral Link' (in the correct format) and the target of the link must be one of the 'qualifying pages' of our website (see table further down on this page), please do not assume that every page is a qualifying page! If in doubt, or if you need help setting up a specific link(s) or ad(s) for your website, please ask, we would be happy to help. (Please allow 24 hours for reply by email.) There are no silly questions. :)

Sample Ads

You are welcome to use any of our sample images, or to edit them to suit your needs.

WRS Internet Plans

WRS Internet Plans

WRS Internet Plans

You may even use your own images, and make up your own ads. If you have any questions, please use the Contact form. Below is a sample of how to call an image as part of the html code of an ad (and be sure to change the number 7 in the code samples to your unqiue affiliate ID number). You are welcome to 'right click' with your mouse, and' save image as' for any of the below images, and then use them. You can easily re-size them to any size you wish. There is a code example a little lower on this page of how to use the images as banner ads. Questions welcome.

Here is a simple example of the affiliate referral link from the table above, within a simple hyperlink. You may change the achor text (the words which say WRS Web Solutions Inc.) to most anything you wish, within reason. (Please don't forget to change the number 7 to your number!).

  <a href="">WRS Web Solutions Inc.</a>

To make your own banner (image / picture) ad, you can copy and paste the below code, and use it with an image (picture) of your choice, which you pick from someplace (legal) or you can make it any picture software, and add text of your choice onto the image with any picture editing program. Don't forget to replace the number 7 with your number. You can use the html size code to make it display in any size you want, for example style="width:350px;height:150px;".

  <a href=""> <img src="INSERT_IMAGE_URL_HERE" style="width:350px;height:150px;" alt="WRS" /> </a> 

To make a banner, you can also use a free online program such as Visme. It’s 100% free to make a banner with Visme.

Service Areas

Please note that the home internet plans that we offer, vary by the cable TV company network that we deliver them over, so please do not refer a person who lives in Ontario to a home internet plan for Quebec, as if they order it, things get a bit messed up! Not to say that we cannot fix things, just that it is best if people get referred to the relevant pages on our website. Referring them to the Home page is fine, or to the Province page for the Province they live in (from which they can click on the name of the place that they live in), or to any page which is in the table further down this page. We have gone to great lengths in the way that we organized this website, to 'stream' people so that people should only see the home internet plans that are available where they live, and not confusing them by showing plans which are not available where they live!

Internet Plan Availability

Please note that internet availability is not 'perfect', in large part as we rely on data from the cable companies and phone companies, (which we have obtained second hand, as that is the only way it is available,) and it is not always up to date in the first instance. If they land on either their Province page (which usually has a link to their place name page) or they land on their place name page, then the results are usually very accurate, but not guaranteed. If they use the Postal Code lookup box the results are reasonable accurate, except when it is a new Postal Code that is not yet in our database. Urban results tend to be more accurate than rural ones. We do offer a free lookup service, by means of a contact form and the results of that are very accurate most of the time. No results can be guaranteed, and for example, we cannot be held liable for someone buying a house based on such results. We do not offer seasonal or vacation disconnects. In the case of DSL internet, speed and availability can vary greatly by address even on the same street.

Other Notes

If you referred someone, who signed up and for any reason you did not get credit on the affiliate program, please use the contact form and ask us about it, maybe we can fix things.

Please note that affiliates cannot earn commissions on: modems, domain names, web hosting & web hosting related, product addons, set up fees, shipping, sales taxes, or upgrade orders. Please also note that you can only earn affiiliate income on referrals to people who click on the links containing your affiliate ID, and you do not earn any income on affiliate links that belong to other people (so this not multi-level marketing, not MLM.)